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Journal papers:

  • Đ. Dragić, B. Mihailović, Lj. Nedović, The general algebraic solution of dual fuzzy linear systems and fuzzy Stein matrix equations, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 487, (2024), 108997.
  • V. Miler Jerković, B. Mihailović, B. Malešević, The general algebraic solution of fuzzy linear systems based on a block representation of {1}-inverses. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems 20 (3), (2023), 115-126. article
  • B. Mihailović, M. Štrboja, M. Todorov: Jensen type inequality for the bipolar Shilkret, Sugeno and Choquet integrals, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 18(9) (2021), 9-25.
  • M. Štrboja, B. Mihailović: Generalized Minkowski type inequality for pseudo-integral, Mathematica Slovaca 71(1), (2021), 57-74.
  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap, M. Štrboja, A. Simićević: A unified approach to the monotone integral-based premium principles under the CPT theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 398, (2020), 78–97.
  • M. Todorov, M. Štrboja, E. Pap, B. Mihailović: Jensen type inequality for the bipolar pseudo-integrals, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 379, (2020), 82-101.
  • B. Mihailović, M. Kalina, M. Štrboja: On the generalized k-order additivity for absolutely monotone set functions, Soft Computing 23(15), (2019), 6043–6050.
  • M. Štrboja, E. Pap, B. Mihailović: Transformation of the pseudo-integral and related convergence theorems, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 355, (2019), 67-82.
  • B. Mihailović, V. Miler Jerković, B. Malešević, Solving fuzzy linear systems using a block representation of generalized inverses: The Moore-Penrose inverse, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 353, (2018), 44-65.
  • B. Mihailović, V. Miler Jerković, B. Malešević, Solving fuzzy linear systems using a block representation of generalized inverses, The group inverse, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 353, (2018), 66-85.
  • M. Štrboja, E. Pap, B. Mihailović: Discrete bipolar pseudo-integrals, Inf. Sci. 468, (2018), 72-88.
  • T. Grbić, S. Medić, A. Perović, B. Mihailović, N. Novković, N. Duraković, A Premium Principle Based on the g-integral, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Volume 35, Issue 3, (2017), 465-477.
  • B. Mihailović, M. Manzi, P. Đapić: The Shilkret-like integral on the symmetric interval, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, Vol. 77, Number 3, (2015), pp 29-40.
  •  B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Asymmetric integral as a limit of generated Choquet integrals based on absolutely monotone real set functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 181 (2011), pp 39-49.

  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Sugeno integral based on absolutely monotone real set functions, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 161 (2010), pp 2857-2869.

  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Asymmetric general Choquet integrals, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol. 6, Issue Number 1, (2009), pp 161-173.
  • E. Pap, B. Mihailović: A representation of a comonotone-v-additive and monotone functional by two Sugeno integrals, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 155 (2005), pp 77-88.
  • B. Mihailović, Lj. M. Nedović, T. Grbić: The induced Sugeno integralbased operator w.r.t. bi-fuzzy measures, Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 54, (2003), pp 76-80.
  • M. Kalina, M. Manzi, B. Mihailović: Choquet integrals and T-supermodularity, Topics in Intelligent Engineering and Informatics, Intelligent Systems: Models and Applications Vol. 3, Springer -Verlag, (2013), 61-75.

Conference proceedings:

  • B. Mihailović, M. Štrboja,: Classifying fuzzy linear systems with the real coefficient matrix. Proceedings of 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, (2022), pp. 221-225.
  • B. Mihailović, M. Štrboja, M. Todorov: The bipolar Choquet g-integrals. Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, (2019), pp. 173-178
  • M. Todorov, M. Štrboja, B. Mihailović: Jensen type inequality for the bipolar Shilkret and Sugeno integrals, Proceedings of 17th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, (2019), pp. 179-184
  • M. Todorov, M. Štrboja, B. Mihailović: Bi-capacities based pan-integral, Proceedings of 16th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, (2018), pp. 301-304
  • B. Mihailović, M. Štrboja: Generalized Minkowski type inequality for pseudo-integral, Proceedings of 15. IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics (SISY), Subotica, (2017), pp. 99-104
  • V. Miler Jerković, B. Mihailović, B. Malešević, A new method for solving square fuzzy linear systems, in: J. Kacprzyk, E. Szmidt, S. Zadrozny, K. Atanassov, M. Krawczak (Eds.), Advances in Fuzzy Logic and Technology 2017. IWIFSGN 2017, EUSFLAT 2017, in: Adv. Intell. Syst. Comput., vol.642, Springer, Cham, (2017), pp. 278–289.
  • M. Štrboja, E. Pap, B. Mihailović, Discrete bipolar pseudo-integral, Proceedings of 14th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics, Subotica, Serbia, (2016), 123-127.
  • V. Miler-Jerković, M. Janković, B. Malešević, B. Mihailović: Solving Fuzzy Linear Systems with EP matrix using a block representation of generalized,Symposium on Neural Network Applications in Electrical Engineering NEUREL (2016) 4pp.
  • V. Miler-Jerković, M. Janković, B. Banjac, B. Malešević, B. Mihailović: Applications of the generalized {1, 4}-inverse in restoration of blurred images, Proceedings of 5th International Conference moNGeometrija (2016) 62-68
  • M. Štrboja, E. Pap, B. Mihailović: A monotone convergence related to pseudo-integral, Proceedings of 13th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent systems and Informatics, Subotica, Serbia, (2015), 95-100.
  • M. Kalina, M. Manzi, B. Mihailović: Pseudo-supermodularity for the Choquet-like integral, Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent systems and Informatics, Subotica, Serbia, (2014), 155-158.
  • B. Mihailović, P. Đapić: Premium principles based on generated Choquet integrals, Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent systems and Informatics, Subotica, Serbia,(2013), 195-198.
  • B. Mihailović, M. Manzi: On the asymmetric Shilket-like integral, Proceedings of AGOP2011, Benevento, Italy, (2011), 73-77.
  • M. Kalina, M. Manzi, B. Mihailović: T-supermodularity of Choquet integrals, Proceedings of SISY 2011, Subotica, (2011), pp 71-74.

  • M. Štrboja, T. Grbić, G. Grujić, B. Mihailović, S. Medić: Chebyshev Type Inequalities for Pseudo-Integrals of Set-Valued Functions, Proceedings of SISY 2011, Subotica, (2011), pp 79-84.

  • D. Vivona, I. Štajner-Papuga, T. Grbić, G. Grujić, M. Štrboja, B. Mihailović: A note on NLSP based on the generated pseudo-operations, Proceedings of SISY 2011, Subotica, (2011), pp 99-102.
  • B. Mihailović, T. Grbić, I. Štajner-Papuga, M. Štrboja: Asymmetric and symmetric separable aggregation functions on symmetric scales,Proceedings of SISY 2010, Subotica, (2010), pp 597-600.
  •  T. Grbić, M. Štrboja, I. Štajner-Papuga, D. Vivona, B. Mihailović: Jensen type inequalities for pseudo-integrals of set-valued functions, Proceedings of SISY 2010, Subotica, (2010), pp 597-600.

  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap, Lj. Nedović: Absolutely Monotone Real Set Functions, Proceedings of SISY 2009, Subotica, (2009), pp. 115-118.
  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Non-monotonic set functions and general fuzzy integrals, Proceedings of SISY 2008, Subotica, (2008), 371-374.

  • B. Mihailović: On the class of symmetric S-separable aggregation functions Proceedings of AGOP 2007,Ghent, Belgium, (2007), pp. 187-191.

  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Decomposable signed fuzzy measures, Proceedings of EUSFLAT 2007, Ostrava, Czech Republic, (2007), pp 265-269.
  •  Lj. Nedović, B. Mihailović, N. Ralević: Some properties of pseudomeasures and pseudo-probability, Proceedings of SISY 2007, Subotica, (2007), pp 155-159.

  • E. Pap, B. Mihailović: Representation of the utility functional by two fuzzy integrals. Proc. IPMU'06, Paris, France, (2006), 1710-1717.
  •  B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Representation of the revised monotone functional by the Choquet integral with respect to signed fuzzy measure, Proceedings of SISY 2006, Subotica, (2006), pp 237-245.
  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap, N. Ralević: Difference representations of the Choquet integral with respect to a signed fuzzy measure, Proc. SISY'05, Subotica, Serbia, (2005), pp 91-100.

  • B. Mihailović, E. Pap: Choquet and Sugeno integrals-based functional representation, Proc. SISY'04, Serbia, Subotica, (2004), pp 83-92.
  •  T. Grbić, B. Mihailović, Lj. Nedović: Bi-fuzzy measure based Induced Sugeno integral, 1st Serbian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Intelligent System, Subotica, (2003), pp 93-99.

  • E. Pap, B. Mihailović: Two Sugeno Integrals Based Representation, Proc. SISY'03, Subotica, Serbia, (2003), pp 189-195.

  • N. M. Ralević, T. Grbić, B. Mihailović, Lj. Nedović, M. Roca: Law of large numbers in the pseudo-probability spaces and its application, 6th International Symposium Interdisciplinary Regional Research, Hungary-Romania-Yugoslavia, (2002), (CD) pg 4.