4th Conference

Logic and Applications 2015 (LAP 2015)

September 21-25, 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia

The LAP conference brings together researchers from various fields of logic with applications in computer science.

Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:
- Formal systems of classical and non-classical logic;
- Category theory;
- Proof theory;
- Lambda calculus;
- Type theory;
- Process algebras and calculi;
- Behavioural types;
- Systems of reasoning in the presence of incomplete, imprecise and/or contradictory information;
- Computational complexity;
- Interactive theorem provers;
- Security.

Student sessions will be organized.

The first conference Proof Systems - Sustavi dokazivanja was held in Dubrovnik on June 28, 2012,
co-located with the conference LICS 2012.
LAP 2013 was held in Dubrovnik, September 16 - 20, 2013.
LAP 2014 was held in Dubrovnik, September 22 - 26, 2014.

Important Dates

Abstract Submission: June 1, 2015
Author Notification: June 25, 2015
Final version: July 5, 2015


Registration fee: 50 EUR.
It covers the booklet of abstracts. The registration fee is payable in cash upon arrival.


Authors should submit an abstract in LaTeX format, not exceeding three pages, to vlp@mi.sanu.ac.rs with the subject "LAP 2015".


LAP 2015 has received funding from Central European Initiative (CEI) (grant RN 1202.044-15) which allows a limited number of grants (covering travel and accommodation costs) to PhD students or early stage researchers in all areas of mathematical logic and applications.

In accordance with the CEI rules, eligible are only grant applications from the following (CEI, non-EU) countries: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine.

To be considered for a grant, please
- send a letter of application including your CV,
- ask your thesis supervisor to send a brief recommendation letter,
- submit an abstract, following the instructions available at the conference site.

Applications should be sent to e-mail: vlp@mi.sanu.ac.rs by the strict deadline of June 1, 2015.

List of participants

Booklet of abstracts in pdf.


IUC-Inter University Center Dubrovnik (see map)

Course directors