List of research projects offered
- Mathematical models for 3D analysis of chromatin texture in cell nuclei to improve cervical cancer diagnostics
- supervisor: Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad
- Risk management by artificial intelligence application in the function of investment portfolio optimization
- supervisor: Nebojša Ralević
- Mathematical modeling in 3D heart registration, quantification and visualization based on semi automatic CT image segmentation
- supervisor: Nebojša Ralević
- Application of non-commutative harmonic analysis in determining compact representations of discrete functions
- supervisor: Radomir Stanković
- Spectral methods over finite fields for compact representations of logic functions
- supervisor: Radomir Stanković
- Discrete Tomography
- supervisor: Tibor Lukić
- Delimited continuation in logic and computation
- supervisor: Silvia Gilezan
- Integral-based premium principles
- supervisor: Biljana Mihailović
- Representations of logical structures and their application in computer science and artificial intelligence
- supervisor: Zoran Ognjanović
- Categorial Proof Theory
- supervisor: Zoran Petrić
List of ongoing research projects
- Methods for sub-pixel precise measurement of diameter of image objects
- supervisor: Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad
- student: Slobodan Dražić
- Regularized image denoising and deblurring
- supervisor: Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad
- student: Buda Bajić
- Precise Euclidean distance transforms from grey-level information
- supervisor: Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad
- student: Vladimir Ilić
- Galois connections between functions and relations
- supervisor Jovanka Pantović
- student Jelena Čolić
- Primena slobodnih Bulovih algebri u paralelnom izračunavanju
- naučni savetnik: Žarko Mijajlović
- student: Aleksandar Pejović
- Encodings between calculi with adaptable and compensable processes
- supervisor Jovanka Pantović, Jorge A. Perez
- student Jovana Dedeić
- Typed calculi for authorisation accounting
- supervisor Jovanka Pantović, Hugo Torres Vieira
- student Ivan Prokić
Spisak završenih naučnih projekata
- Types for access and memory control (2016)
- supervisors: Jovanka Pantović, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini
- student: Svetlana Jakšić
- Interconnection of Overlay Networks: Definition, Formalization and Applications (2014)
- mentor: Zoran Ognjanović
- student: Bojan Marinković
- Projekat: Nejednakosti Jensena i Čebiševa (2014)
- mentori: Tatjana Grbić, Aleksandar Perović
- student: Slavica Medić
- Projekat: Generalizovana dijagonalna dominacija za blok matrice i mogućnosti njene primene (2014)
- mentor: Ljiljana Cvetković
- student: Ksenija Doroslovački
- Projekat: Operatori za multi-rezolucione komplekse Morza i ćelijske komplekse (2014)
- mentori: Leila Floriani, Nebojša Ralević
- student: Lidija Čomić
- Projekat: Development and Verification of Probability Logics and Logical Frameworks (2013)
- mentor: Silvia Gilezan, Luigi Liquori, Zoran Ognjanovic
- student: Petar Maksimović
- Projekat: Intersection types and resource control in the intuitionistic sequent lambda calculus (2013)
- mentor: Silvia Gilezan
- student: Jelena Ivetić
- Projekat: Kvantifikacija samoorganizacije i kompleksnosti zasnovana na izboru optimalnog talasića (2013)
- mentor: Milan Rajković
- student: Milos Milovanović
- Projekat: Regularized Problems in Image Processing (2011)
- mentor: Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad
- student: Tibor Lukić