The Mathematics Genealogy Project

Current students

Tamara Stefanović, since 2019

Branka Milaković, since 2023

Master students

Graduated PhD students

Simona Kašterović,"Probabilistic reasoning in computation and simple type theory"[pdf] 2024
Aleksandar Pejović, "Parallel software system for counting finite models" [pdf] 2020
Veljko Petrović, "Namenski jezik za vizuelizaciju evaluiranu statističkom analizom malih skupova podataka" (Domain specific language for visualization evaluated by the statistical analysis of small data sets) [pdf] 2018
Jelena Ivetić, “Intersection types and resource control in the intuitionistic sequent lambda calculus”, [pdf] 2013
Petar Maksimović, “Development and Verification of Probability Logics and Logical Frameworks” (co-tutelle with University Nice), co-supervision with Zoran Ognjanovic and Luigi Liquori, en-cotutelle with University of Nice, [pdf] 2013.

Graduated Master students

Dunja Jankov, "SAT problem i verifikacija DPLL procedure u dokazivaču COQ", septembar 2021
Marko-Greorgije Crvenković, "Jednakosna logika", [pdf] septembar 2021
Alen Arslanagić, "Tipski sistem sa restrikcijama za određivanje tipova ML jezika sa implementacijom u Haskell-u", [pdf] oktobar 2017
Aleksandar Kršić, "Linearna logika sa primenama u Petri mrežama", [pdf] septembar 2017
Simona Kašterović, Kripkeove semantike za intuicionističku logiku i lambda račun, [pdf] juli 2017
Marko Stupar, "Modalna logika i primena u zastiti informacionih sistema" (Modal logic and application in information system security), [pdf] septembar 2016. Employment Swiss Re Bratislava.
Jelena Ivetić, “O nekim prosirenjima lambda racuna”, [pdf] 2008
Jelena Ivetić, "Formalni računi za intuicionističku logiku", magistarski rad, 2008
Silvia Likavec, “Reducibility method for lambda calculus with intersection types”, magistarski rad, 2005

Former students

Silvia Likavec, PhD UNITO, ENS-Lyon, 2005
Viktor Kuncak, PhD MIT, 2007
Dragisa Zunic, PhD ENS-Lyon, 2008
Jovana Obradović, PhD Universite Paris Diderot, Paris 7, 2017
Nenad Savić, PhD University of Bern, 2020
Alen Arslanagić, PhD University of Groningen, 2023

Doctoral thesis committee member

  • Jules Jacobs (thesis director Herman Geuvers, Robbert Krebbers, Stephanie Balzers) Radboud University, Nijmegen, NL, 24 June 2024
  • Nemanja Fimić, (thesis director Ilija Bašičević) UNS, 12 October 2023
  • Axel Kernec, (thesis director Giulio Manzoneto), Université Paris Cité, Paris, France, May 2023
  • Loïc Payrot, "From Proof Terms to Programs: An operational and quantitative study of intuitionistic Curry-Howard calculi", (thesis director Delia Kesner), Université Paris Cité, Paris, France, 9 November 2022
  • Riccardo Treglia, "The computational core: reduction theory and intersection type discipline", University of Torino, Torino, Italy, 7 October 2022
  • Miloš Simić, "Dynamic formation of the distributed micro clouds", (thesis director Goran Sladić), UNS, 9 May 2022
  • Slavko Davidović, "Uticaj kružnih raskrsnica na uslove odvijanja saobraćaja na gradskim aretirijama", (thesis director Vuk Bogdanović), UNS, December 2021
  • Marko Popović, "Formalno verifikovana distribuirana softverska transakciona memorija otporna na otkaze", (thesis director Ilija Bašičević) UNS, April 2021
  • Mirko Spasić,„Modelovanje upitnih jezika sa primenama u refaktorisanju i optimizaciji koda", (thesis director Milena Vujošević-Janičić) University of Belgrade, March 2021
  • Marina Milićević, "Formal systems for proving incidence results"(thesis directors Zoran Petrić, Djordje Baralić), president of the jury, UNS, October 2020
  • Nenad Savić, "Non-classical Reasoning and Justifications" (thesis director Thomas Studer) University of Bern, Jun 2020
  • Ivan Prokić, "Formal modeling and analysis of resource usage and sharing in distributed software systems" (thesis director J. Pantović) UNS, January 2020
  • Dragan Stanimirović, (thesis director Vuk Bogdanović), UNS, January 2020
  • Nikola Luburić, "Integration of Software Security Design Analysis to the Agile Development Process" (thesis director Goran Sladić), UNS, January, 2020
  • Claude Stolze, "Types union, intersection, et dépendants dans le lambda-calcul explicitement typé" (Union, intersection and dependent types in an explicitely typed lambda-calculus), (thesis director Luigi Liquori), INRIA Sophia Antipolis - University of Nice, December 2019
  • Vladimir Ilić, "Application of New Shape Descriptors and Theory of Uncertainty in Image Processing", president of the jury, (thesis director N. Ralević), UNS, 2019
  • Branislav Kordić, (thesis director Miroslav Popović), UNS, 2019
  • Marko Marković, "Interaktivno sastavljanje mašinski čitljivih i razumljuvih sudskih pismena bazirano na znanju",(Knowledge-based Interactive Assembly of Machine-readable and Machine-understandable Judicial Documents) (thesis director Stevan Gostojić), UNS, 2018
  • Vladimir Ivančević, "Poredjenje skupova podataka pomoću grafova", (thesis director Ivan Luković), UNS, 2017
  • Svetlana Jakšić, "Types for Access and Memory Control", (thesis director Jovanka Pantović), president of the jury, UNS, 2016
  • Nikola Obrenović, "Prilog projektovanju, konsolidaciji i transformaciji ograničenja torke sheme baze podataka, zasnovan na platformski nezavisnim modelima" (thesis director Ivan Luković), UNS, 2015
  • Bojan Marinković, "Interconnection of Heterogeneous Overlay Networks: Definition, Formalization and Applications", (thesis director Zoran Ognjanović), president of the jury, UNS, 2014
  • Fabien Renaud, "Explicit resources from the point of view of the rewriting theory", (thesis director Delia Kesner), Universite Paris Diderot – Paris 7, 2011
  • Tibor Lukić, "Regularized Problems in Image Processing", UNS, (thesis director Nataša Sladoje, Joakim Lindblad), president of the jury, UNS 2011
  • Yoko Motohama, thesis reviewer,(thesis director M. Dezani, F. Honsell), University of Udine, 2003
  • Stefania Lusin, thesis reviewer, (thesis director M. Dezani, A. Salibra), University of Venice, 2002

Master's thesis committee member

  • Tamara Kuprešanin, Jedno rešenje lanca-blokova, FTN, UNS, (mentor Miroslav Popović), jun 2022
  • Aleksandr Jeremić, Realizacija upita iskazanih putem OBDA sistema sa relacionim izvorima podataka, UNS, (mentor I. Luković), October 2020
  • Nebojša Horvat, Razvoj i uporedna analiza prorgamskih jezika za pametne ugovore na blokčejnu, UNS, (mentor D. Gajić), avgust 2019
  • Aleksa Mirković, "Blockchain distribuirani sistemi i njihova primena u farmaceutskoj industriji", UNS, (mentor D. Gajić), oktobar 2017
  • Marina Nenić, "Blockchain distribuirani sistemi i njihova primena u industriji video igara", UNS, (mentor D. Gajić), oktobar 2017
  • Vukan Turkulov, "Modifikacija PBRC algoritama sa primenama u problemima adaptivne regresije" UNS, (mentor M. Rapajić), septembar 2017
  • Jovana Vajagić, "Kriptografija zasnovana na rešetkama" (mentor V. Šenk), decembar 2016
  • Tijana Sekulić, "Kodiranje viševrednosnih razdvajajućih funkcija" (mentor J. Pantović), oktobar 2016
  • Milenko Maričić, "Rešavanje NP-teških optimizacionih problema korišćenjem simboličke provere modela i PSL jezika" (mentor S. Dautović), februar 2016
  • Svetlana Jakšić, (mentor J.Pantović), 2008.

Qualifying exam committee member

Vladimir Mandić, oktobar 2018
Marina Marčeta, oktobar 2018
Luka Mejić, oktobar 2018
Marina Milićević, septembar 2018
Alen Suljkanović, jul 2018
Sanja Ožvat, mart 2018

2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010